
Dates for 2024:


24th February - Club get-together to celebrate our 4 league titles in 2022/23 and 2023 - The Bell 7:30pm

19th March - AGM, 8pm

6th April - Club "spruce-up" day, 1pm

28th April - Sunday morning fun "American" event, 10am  (postponed due to rainy weather)

23rd June - Sunday morning fun "American" event, 10am

20th July - IFTC at the Town Show

4th August - Sunday morning fun "American" event, 10am

8th September - Special Yoga session at the tennis club - 9am - 10am

15th September - Club Championship Finals' Day (click on banner below to enter and pay online)

13th October - "Wear It Pink" charity fun "American" event, 10am - 1pm

26th October - IFTC Quiz Night - at IFCA Community Centre

December (date to be confirmed) - Club curry evening

22nd December - Xmas social play, 10am-12noon:  Drinks at "The Lounge"





Important note:  To promote the tennis club, we do take photographs of children and adults participating in coaching and events at the club. These pictures may be displayed (without names) on our website and social media platforms. We aim to abide by the information in our Photography and Filming Policy, which can be found on our website in the “club policies” section.  After use, images will be deleted from the device they were taken on.  Should you wish to not have an image of yourself or your child taken and shared please make this known in writing to

The welfare officer Jessica Bonnett is also available to chat to on 07870 279625