BLEDLOW RIDGE Summer Camp Week Mon 12th to Fri 16th Aug - 5-17yrs

About the Camps

Recommended for ages 5 to 17.

Coach: James Woodwards

We run Tennis Camps in during the school holidays covering all ages. They are a great way for your child to experience tennis as well as develop many important skills including hand and eye co-ordination, balance, agility and speed. Tennis Camps (5 – 16 years old) are run all day (with a snack break). These again are a great way for your children to enjoy tennis as well as learn a whole range of movements, co-ordinations and meet new friends. They also incorporate lots of activities to help develop tennis skills as well as improve movement on court. Elements of competitive play will be in all camps. There will be a short rest/break, so please ensure your children bring a snack to keep them going!

A sibling discount of 25.0% is available and will be applied at the next step.

Choose your sessions from the available times below.
Please check that there are enough spaces available before you continue.