Tennis Camps

We run Tennis Camps in during the school holidays covering all ages from Tots at 2.5 years old right up to 18 years old.

The Tots Easter, May 1/2 Term and Summer, camps (2.5 – 5 years old) are 45 minute fun sessions run in the mornings at 9am – 9:45am. They are a great way for your child to experience tennis as well as develop many important skills including hand and eye co-ordination, balance, agility and speed.

Mini Tennis Camps (5 – 10 years old) are run all day (with a lunch break). These again are a great way for your children to enjoy tennis as well as learn a whole range of movements, co-ordinations and meet new friends.

Junior Tennis Camps (11 – 18 years old) are also daily camps and incorporate lots of activities to help develop tennis skills as well as improve movement on court. Elements of competitive play will be in all camps but more so in the junior camp.

*There may be Early Drop Off and Late Pick Up options at 8am and 5pm.

**10% Sibling discounts available.

***Please get in touch to use a Bluelight Card discount.

By signing up to any session, you and your child are agreeing to abide by the JWT Coaching code of conduct and can expect all of our coaches to as well.


A typical full day on camp (Aylesbury) includes:

8-9am Early Drop off

9 - 9:10am Arrival and registration

9:10-9:45am Physical warm up

9:45-10:45am Tennis tuition and games

10:45-12pm Competition/games/multisports

12pm -1pm LUNCH

1-1:10pm Afternoon arrivals/registration

1:10-2:30pm Tennis tuition and team games

2:30-4pm Tennis competition/team events/multisports

4-5pm Late pick up

The final day of each camp will be based around team games and competitions


Please note, Christmas, Feb 1/2 term and Oct 1/2 term camps may be run as half days and some camps may have varying schedules. We reserve the right to cancel any camp sessions if there are not enough participants.