Racket Buying

If you're struggling to know what racket to choose or don't know where to buy, we've listed some shops below to help along with a guide from Tennis Nuts. If still unsure what to buy, feel free to email for some advice. jonathansevillecoaching@gmail.com


Tennis Nuts Buying Guide

Tennis Nuts

Tennis Point




Adrian Guandalini provides quality restringing and racket maintainance/customisation services at Priory Tennis Club. He is always happy to advise the best stringing options with each customer with a range of choices and colours to choose from.

Services Adrian Provides

  • Restringing
  • Replacement grips/overgrips
  • Grommets and bumper guard replacements 
  • Loose racket handle end cap fixes/replacements

Contacted via WhatsApp message on 07447548802