
The club holds an annual fundraising event each year and we are always on the look out for new and exciting fundraising ideas.  In addition, we have a Monthly Draw account for over 18s which costs £12 per person. A key part of our fundraising is to fund the Youth/Disability Project, more information of which can be found on our Youth/Disability project page.

2017 Fundraisers

Race Night

The club's 2017 major fundraiser was a Race Night held on 8th September in the Rugby Club.  This raised £2,804 which was a fantastic result. 

A huge thanks goes to the following sponsors of our successful race night which was held as one of our major fundraisers for the year.


In addition, a big thank you also goes to the following donations of raffle prizes:

  • £200 photography voucher - Graeme White
  • 6 bottles of wine - Saca Futures
  • 6 bottles of wine - Saca Futures
  • £60 voucher - Sainburys Kelso
  • 1 month membership (non cash) voucher - Abbey Fitness Centre
  • Real ale gift pack with cap - Tempest Brewery
  • Racquet Cover, drinks container, balls etc - David & Ella Laing
  • James Stewart & Son
  • £15 meal voucher - Cross Keys Hotel
  • £15 meal voucher - Cobbles Inn
  • £8 voucher gents haircut with gel - Snipz and Clipz
  • Silver plated photo frame - Hume painters
  • 2 bottles of win - Co-op food Highcroft

Farmers Market Tombola

In addition to the race night, the club had a stall at the Farmers Market at the end of August.  Donations of bottles etc were given for a Tombola on the day which raised £199.

Previous Fundraising events

  • Sponsored Cycle/Funday
  • Race Night
  • Pimms/Strawberries & Cream Day
  • Tennisathon