Mini Tennis

We follow the LTA mini tennis structure of red, orange and green using shorter rackets, smaller courts and slower balls to make the game easy and fun to learn and play. 

Children start their tennis journeys at different ages and some develop faster than others, therefore at Kinetic Tennis Coaching we take a holistic approach and adapt classes  accordingly and may recommend moving children into a more appropiate class to their skill set rather than soley based on age.  Therefore the ages brackets mentioned below are just a guide.


Mini Red (5-8yrs)

Just like real tennis but on smaller courts, using soft sponge or mini red balls which are larger in diameter and short rackets.  There are typically upto 14 in a group with a coach and 1-2 assistants.  Sessions include agility and coordination games, racket and balls skills and the basic techniques and tactics to enable players to serve, rally and play a short game. 


Mini Orange (8-9yrs)

Progressing onto a full tennis court using only ¾ of the length and a narrower width, combined with the use of orange balls that are 50% softer than a standard tennis ball.  Coaches help players to further develop the game skills learned in red always focusing on playing the game and using all the shots.


Mini Green (9-11yrs)

Players progress to a full size court using green balls which are 25% softer and lower bouncing than normal tennis balls.   Coaches focus on helping players adapting their skills to the bigger court and faster ball in preparation for the full game in singles and doubles.



Players in all age groups are encouraged to play in fun competitions as soon as they are ready.

Click here to see more LTA information on Mini Tennis.