Health & Safety procedure
1 All members of the committee should attend a Health and Safety at work first aid course recognised by Tennis Scotland or West Lothian Council and that renewal of any certificate issued should be made on a tri-annual basis or sooner,
2 All tennis coaches whether accredited or not should be in possession of a valid first aid certificate as above and be required to provide such a certificate in paper or electronic form to the Secretary of the Club before commencing any coaching whether supervised or not.
3 All coaches whether accredited or not will carry an approved First Aid kit suitable for the numbers reasonably anticipated to be attending the session they are supervising. No coach will be permitted to coach without being in possession of a valid current First Aid Certificate as outlined above.
4 For club events members of the committee present will ensure that there are an adequate number first aid kits available in case of an incident and in proportion to the number of people reasonably anticipated to attend.
5 All coaches whether accredited or not and members of the committee attending any sessions will carry out a risk assessment of the court playing surface and surroundings of the courts to identify any hazards or danger to themselves and participants and note these in the club's RIDDOR record book.
Items requiring an entry as a hazard or danger should also be reported to the management staff at Inveralmond Community High School as representing West Lothian Council who are the owners and occupiers of the premises (Ladywell Community Tennis courts) as soon as reasonably possible or within 24 hours whichever is the sooner.
6 All coaches whether accredited or not and members of the committee when attending sessions should carry a mobile or smartphone to enable emergency assistance to be summoned to Ladywell Tennis courts in the event of serious injury to the coach or participants. The entrance route for emergency vehicles should be the Wiilowbank entrance on the NE boundary of the courts. Additional assistance may be summoned from qualified First
Aiders on the staff of Inveralmond Community High School and Harrysmuir Primary School where the nearest defibrillator devices are situated.