All players wishing to use the Tennis Courts must do so through the ‘Court Booking System’, currently supervised by the Reception Service at the Inveralmond Community High School
All Ladywell Tennis Club Members will be entitled to unlimited free access to all Club facilities and proof of Membership will be required to be shown to any authorised person which will include: Club Committee Members, Coaching Staff and Reception Service staff in Inveralmond Community High School or any other authorised person taking court facility bookings or acting on behalf of the Tennis Club.
For the time being and for insurance purposes, Members and other users of the Tennis Court Facility under the age of sixteen will require to be supervised by an adult. As The Ladywell Community Tennis Club operates a Child and Vulnerable Groups Protection and Equity Policy, the club will ensure that all Committee Members have a current ‘PVG Certificate’ to enforce this rule. Any controversy over this rule must be made to the Club Management Committee as soon as reasonably possible.
Children must be signed in and out of each class by a parent or guardian and a contact reference must be given in case of emergency. All children are expected to arrive on time and be promptly picked up at the end of any session. Children’s hair should be tied back neatly and jewellery should not be worn. The Coaching or Organising Staff will be responsible for enforcing this rule. All infringements of this rule must be reported to the Management Committee for further action as required.
All members must comply with any dress code laid down by the Committee and regulated by the Coaching or organising Staff. All infringements of this rule must be reported to the Management Committee for further action as required.
All members will be responsible for the overall cleanliness of the playing area and must assist the Coaching or Organising staff in keeping the court facilities environmentally neat and tidy. Any member found to be unhelpful in complying with this rule must be reported to the Management Committee for further action as required.
Courts will be allocated in hourly sessions and to avoid confusion between those playing and those waiting, it will be the responsibility of all Members to ensure that they confirm their arrival with the Reception Service Staff and to ensure that any player arriving at the Court facility is informed of the ‘end time’ of any booking or use by the player(s) currently using the court. In the event of there being no Members waiting to use the court facilities, Members many continue to play in half hourly intervals but must ensure that they register their extended booking with the Reception Service Staff. In the event of a situation where a definite booking has been made through the ‘Court Booking System’, players may continue to play up to the allocated time of any such booking.
For the purpose of this rule, any Member who has booked a session through the ‘Court Booking System’, must make their presence known to the Members already using the facility and must arrive at least ten minutes before the allocated booked session, informing any Members already using the facility, that they have arrived to take up their booking and to establish which court is to be made available. Any controversy over this rule must be made to the Management Committee as soon as reasonably possible.
All players are expected to be properly attired for tennis. No outdoor shoes will be allowed for play on the tennis courts. Without exception, dress codes for all competitions must be strictly adhered to. Any controversy over this rule must be made to the Management Committee as soon as reasonably possible.
At all times the authority and decision making of the Head Coach or his representatives at the court side, shall be considered and accepted by all Members, as having been authorised by the Management Committee and any complaint against Coaching Staff decisions must be made in writing to the Committee and not to any Officials during a playing session, using the proper complaints method covered by the Club Rules.
All Tennis games will be governed by the Rules set by the Lawn Tennis Association or as laid down by Coaching Staff from time to time, in the pursuance of their duties. It is the duty of all Club Members, when in a position to do so, to direct the attention of all non-club members to these rules, when the court facilities are being used for non Tennis Club purposes.
At all times, players are expected to behave in a proper manner and take into consideration our neighbours. Also, sufficient parental supervision arrangements are expected to be in place before children will be allowed to use the Tennis Club Facilities.
The decision to use the Club Facilities rests between the Club Member and Coaching Staff or Event Organiser. The Club Management Committee will therefore be entitled to assume that all Health and Safety issues including Risk Assessment have been complied with and agreed between the participants and Coaching Staff or Event Organisers. To comply with this rule the decision of the Coaching Staff or Event Organiser shall be final.
Members and guests are expected to use the club facilities in such a manner that causes no damage or undue wear to the club property including injury to other users. It is the responsibility of all members to report any misuse of privileges or club property (including vandalism, wear and tear or weather damage) immediately to the Club Secretary or Coaching Staff. The Club Committee will be responsible for deciding if disciplinary action is to be taken against individuals or groups that contravene this rule.
By taking part in any event using club facilities, it will be deemed as confirmation that the parent or guardian (in the case of users under sixteen years of age) or other facility user has satisfied themselves that a risk assessment has been made by them before consenting to use any facility. On some occasions, facility users (including Members and their guests) may be asked to complete a consent form.
Unless otherwise informed, it will be assumed that photographs taken on behalf of the club, for promotional purposes will have the consent of all participants using any or part of The Club facilities. Any member or guest that does not wish to agree to this rule must inform The Club or Event Organisers. This rule is confirmation that the Club or Event Organiser has the right to withdraw the dissenter from participation in any or all of the activity concerned. Parents, Guardians and other Club Members and guests, must have the permission of the event organiser or Coaching Staff/Committee Member before taking pictures or images of participants using The Club facilities. Any controversy over this rule must be made to The Management Committee as soon as reasonably possible.
All rules governing the members and guests within the jurisdiction of the Ladywell Community Tennis Club shall equally apply to members and guests when representing The Club or their Club Membership at venues outside the control of the Management Committee.
These rules shall also govern members and guests using transport facilities or property not belonging to the club when acting or representing the club in any conceivable manner.