
Upcoming Tournaments, Events and Competitions at Latika

Competition is an integral part of player development and a great opportunity for players to test their skills; the emphasis is on fun and safety – winning is secondary.

Please note that all players who participate in competitions must be LTA Advantage Members with membership number linked to the club/venue they are competing for (BTM). A player’s membership may be linked to more than one club/venue. The BTM is free to apply for and you will need this number before you compete. Once a player has played in a recorded match, that player will be given a World Tennis Number [WTN]. For more information and guidance check our FAQ page. 

The LTA have recently launched the following introductory guide to help parents and carers understand the LTA Competition Pathway: Ready, Play guide.


Saturday 14th September - bring a friend day.  Attend your normal session between 9:00-13:00, bring a friend and both players go free.  Please email with your childs name and the name and parent contact details of your friend to register 

Saturday 14th - 14U Club Champs 3:00-6:00pm 

Sunday 15th - 18U Club Champs 10:00am-1:00pm 


Our annual presentation day or evening will take place on Saturday 12th October. This event is open to all Latika members and is a day when we celebrate the fantastic achievements of our players.  More information regarding the format of this event will be provided nearer the time.


Saturday 2nd - Team Challenege Monster Smash. Feel free to come to sessions in fancy (spooky) dress for fun and games and a chance to win prizes. 

If you have any questions about an upcoming tournament please email