
Club Policy on Photography (Issue 1, December 2016)

This policy has been drafted using advice available from the Lawn Tennis Association at

If you wish to take photographs or recordings, prior to any event organised by Liphook Tennis Club you should ensure you have obtained consent from:
• the person in charge of the event, and
• parents and carers of all children involved.
In order to obtain consent you must explain why you are taking the images and what they will
be used for. This ensures that parents or carers are giving informed consent. To achieve this
it is strongly recommended they also sign the Media Consent Form. 

Photographing and Recording
All children featured in photographs or recordings must be:
• appropriately dressed with clothing covering their torso from their neck to thighs, e.g.
   a t-shirt and shorts or skirt;
• featured with people engaging in tennis;
• recorded in groups with other children or adults where possible; and
• representative of the diversity across tennis, with regard to age, gender, ethnicity
   and disability.
Any inappropriate use of images should be reported to the Club's Welfare Officer and where appropriate to LTA Safeguarding Team or the Police.

Images for Publicity 
Liphook Tennis Club may wish to use images depicting club events and activities on its web site or to publicise the Club.  Images of children will not be used by the Club for any purpose without the permission of a parent or guardian.  In selecting images the Club will follow the guidance of the LTA as described above under Photographing and Recording and will only identify a child by name if permission has been given by a parent or guardian.