

1 - Accident Procedure (Issue 4, February 2019)

2 - Health and Safety Procedure

3 - Safety Notice

Accident Procedure (Issue 4, February 2019)

The Club’s Insurers require that contemporary records are kept of any incident that may lead to a claim.  In addition, the Club would appreciate the advice of members and those using the courts of any incident, hazard or damage that may require remedial action by the Club.

All accidents, injuries, hazards and incidents of damage to the courts, clubhouse, or fences or damage to or theft of Club equipment or personal possessions should be recorded in the log book provided in the Clubhouse adjacent to the hard courts, or reported to the Club’s Welfare Officer and Club Secretary as indicated below.

Following any incident that involves injury you must immediately advise the Club's Welfare Officer (Pauline McBrown, (tel: 07773 106623 e-mail: and the Club Secretary (Trevor Roff  on telephone number  01428 724535;  e-mail: of the circumstances, including the name, address of the injured party, contact details of the injured party, name and contact details of witnesses, time and date of incident, nature of the injury and details of medical attention sought if known.

2 Health and Safety Policy (Issue 2, December 2016)

The Health and Safety policy of Liphook Tennis Club is displayed in the club houses at the hard courts and grass courts.

Overall responsibility for health and safety is the responsibility of the Club's Chairman.

Day to day responsibility for ensuring the policy is put into practice is the responsibility of the Welfare Officer.  These include:

  • periodic checks on the courts and club premises for any risk to health and safety,
  • protection of children and vulnerable adults in accordance with the Safeguarding Policy of Liphook Tennis Club,
  • up-keep of the Club’s accident and hazard reporting system,
  • advising the Club’s “LTA Places to Play Administrator” of any risk that needs to be included in the risk assessment registered with the LTA,
  • reporting to the committee on any issues relating to health and safety of anyone using the Club’s facilities or any such issues that my affect the general public,
  • arranging for inspections of any equipment a per the risk assessment registered with the LTA,
  • maintenance of first aid boxes.

First aid boxes are located in the club houses at both the hard courts and grass courts.

The accident and hazzard reporting book is located at the club house adjacent to the hard courts. 

3. Safety Notice (Issue 4, February 2019)

  1. Members, guests and visitors are reminded that they have a responsibility for their own safety and a duty of care to others when using the Club’s facilities.  Do not use the courts if they are slippery.  Take particular care in cold weather when ice may form on the courts, courts surrounds, access paving and steps leading to the lower courts.
  2. Use proper footwear that is designed for use on a tennis court.
  3. If you note a hazard or problem with the courts or Club’s facilities please compete one of the pro forma reports provided and hand it to a member of the committee or notify the Club’s Welfare Officer.
  4. If a hazard could cause an accident or injury do not use the facilities until the hazard has been removed.
  5. The Club must report to our insurance brokers every incident that could give rise to a claim. If you, or any guest or any visitor is involved in such an incident you must provide the Club with accurate records of the date and time of the incident occurs, along with full details of all relevant circumstances, including hospital or doctors involvement, and the full name and address of any parties involved, including witnesses – See form in the accidents, injuries, hazards and incidents logbook kept in the club house at the hard courts (if open) or otherwise notify the Club's Welfare Officer of the details.
  6. Following any incident that involves injury you must immediately advise the Club’s Welfare Officer (Pauline McBrown, tel: 07773 106623 e-mail: the Club Secretary (Trevor Roff  on telephone number  01428 724535;  e-mail: of the circumstances, including the name, address of the injured party, contact details of the injured party, name and contact details of witnesses, time and date of incident, nature of the injury and details of medical attention sought if known.