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Annual General Meeting 2024

Our AGM is going to be on MONDAY the 18th of  November this year. It would be great to see as many of you as possible there. 

This year, we're asking for more of our members to get involved. This doesn't mean signing your life away and having to join the committee! But rather we're asking for volunteers to support the committee roles.

So if you have a hankering to be part of the house and grounds group, or want to help with our social events, do some website/social promotion or maybe meet and greet new members, we'd love to hear from you.

For example, helping our social secretary might include: help running events such as the fun run bbq, making cakes, setting up and tidying up plus potentially running an event like poker night or table tennis night etc.

If you're interested,  we're happy to chat to anyone before the AGM, and just to clarify - you won't be signing up to the committee... it's just to help out! Just ping us a message on or let us know on any of the wapp groups we've got going!


Victoria on behalf of Lisvane Tennis Club committee