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Social Events 2024

Club Members are invited to suggest new social activities we can incorporate into our 2024 plans!

Newly elected Social Secretary for 2024 - Juliette Sherrard is looking for some new ideas for social events this year and suggestions are welcomed.

We are already planning to run a couple of tennis and cake daytime sessions in Spring and Summer plus we have the Fun Run and BBQ taking place on Sunday 23rd June. The ever popular table tennis nights will definitely continue as these are always well attended and lots of fun! Another option being considered is that we could have another tennis and curry night? 

We are looking to refresh our  Christmas dinner dance  possibly at an alternative venue or in a different format.

Some members have expressed an interest in reviving the ladies Christmas party, an informal  get together in the clubhouse in early December with buffet food, drinks and a secret santa.  We can of course also run a similar event for the men if there's sufficient interest. 

Let Juliette know if you have any ideas or would be interested in attending and/or helping at any of the above events by e-mailing a response or of course calling or texting her on the number included in her e-mail to all members sent on 1 February 2024