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Club AGM

As per our rules, a formal notice of our AGM to be held on the 4 July at 11am. has been sent to all members, including parents of junior members. Juniors/parents of juniors are welcome to attend if they want to find out more about the club and our future plans, but juniors/parents of juniors aren't able to vote for committee members or for approving byelaws. 

There are a few rule changes that we need to approve at the AGM – these are mainly updating the rules to remain relevant and due to changes to things like the Wimbledon ballot now being run by the LTA rather than by individual tennis clubs.

If any members have anything else they would like discussed at the AGM, please email the Club Secretary with these points 14 days before the AGM (so by Sunday 20th June).


In addition, all positions on the committee are open for nominations. For clarity - this means that the positions that members can be nominated for are:


(a)   Chairman

(b)   Secretary

(c)    Treasurer

(d)   Vice Chairman (Chairman elect)

(e)   Club Captain

(f)     House & Grounds

(g)   Membership Secretary

(h)   Welfare Officer

(i)     Cardiff Athletic Club representative

(j)     Social.



If any members want any information about the roles, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary.

In order to be nominated, you need to have been a full member for 2 years and be nominated and seconded by other full members. This can be by email to me with confirmation from the nominator and seconder in the email trail.  Any nominations need to be emailed to the Secretary by 6pm on the 29th June.

We look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the AGM. It's a great time to celebrate our successes (and challenges) over the past year and have a quick look forward too.