
Junior Club Championship 2018

The Junior Club Championship was an amazing day of tennis. For 3 hours in the morning, 11 of our 8 & Under children played over 100 ten-point tie break matches! We had 6 entries in the 9 & Under category, where the children played Fast4, which is whoever gets to 4 games first wins! For some this was their first time competing - everyone tried their best and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! The eventual winner of the 8 & Under competition was Malakai. The 9/10 and Under winner was Alexander.

In the afternoon we had 14 entries in the 14 & Under competition. We had some experienced team players up against newcomers. There were no surprises that the number 1 and 2 seeds made the final, however after a long evenly fought match Huxley came out victorious 4-3 3-4 (10-8 tiebreak).

Thanks to Dan and Phil for organising such a great day of tennis!