Club Rules

 updated April 2022

By joining the club members agree to adhere to club rules, codes of conduct and club policies. Failure to abide by the rules, codes of conduct and policies can be challenged and may ultimately result in withdrawal of membership.

Communications and Guests

  • day to day communications with members is via the LTA/Clubspark email system and members can unsubscribe at any time

  • by joining the club adult members consent to their contact details being entered into a password locked file on the Members area of the website. Members will periodically receive an email as a reminder of this and can opt out by contacting the Membership Secretary

  • adult members are assumed to give consent for photographs of themselves to be used in club communications but can opt out via communication with a committee member

  • a full member can bring the same guest to play on 3 occasions in a 12 month period and they are responsible for paying guest fees (£5 per adult/£2 per junior). The guest must be listed when the court booking is made online and payment should be made before play starts using the envelopes and mailbox in the clubhouse (see Guest Policy on the website)

The Club Environment and Club Security

  • court and clubhouse codes must not be shared with others

  • courts should be pre-booked through the website using the Court Booking calendar and all players must be listed on the booking

  • out of consideration to our neighbours hours of play are 8am to 10pm

  • lock the courts and clubhouse when leaving and switch off all lights

  • appropriate sports clothing must be worn at all times including non slip, non marking, non ridged footwear

  • no smoking or vaping on the premises including in the clubhouse

  • slacken the net after play

  • the artificial clay surfaces (red courts) should be dragged after use to ensure the sand remains evenly distributed and in good condition

  • only club members are eligible to play in external league teams and internal leagues

  • spectators and members should limit noise and movement around the courts when others are playing, especially where external league games are in progress

  • unsporting behaviour and harassment of players is not tolerated

  • courts should not be used if there is standing surface water, visible frost or ice – this can damage the courts and cause injury

  • the club takes no responsibility for personal items left on the premises

  • leave nothing behind on court and use the correct recycling and rubbish bins to reduce the work for our volunteers

  • old balls can be placed in the bin provided in the verandah for recycling (they generate funds for the club)

  • parents remain responsible for their unsupervised juniors outside of normal coaching or club playing sessions 

Guest Policy : Click Here