Coach: David Killean

David is an LTA Level 2 Accredited Coach and works with our Primary School age juniors.

Find David's LTA Accreditation here!!

A little bit about me...

I started playing tennis when I was 4 years old at my local tennis club and have played regularly ever since. As a junior I would compete for the club in the junior leagues. I was given the opportunity to help with delivering coaching sessions to younger junior members, helping out the club coach which was something I really enjoyed doing. This sparked an interest in coaching tennis as well as competing and I have now been a level 2 coach for a few years and deliver regular coaching sessions for juniors but also look to play competitions whenever I can.’


David's coaching commitements:

* After-school coaching (Term-time) - Tuesdays and Fridays

* School holiday camps - April, July and August, October


For more information contact David