Spring tennis updates


Junior coaching

Details of the junior programmes for the Spring Term 2025 are now available to book online. Click Junior Coaching for more details.  

Cardio Tennis

A NEW Cardio Tennis session wil be starting on Wednesday mornings 9.30 - 10.30am from 15th January 2025. These sessions are a great way to get fit, hit a lot of tennis balls and have fun all rolled into one. The sessions take place to music. To booking online go to our  Adult Coaching Section

Individual / Small Group Coaching

Anyone interested in 1-2-1 sessions can contact Tim directly on 07887 723554 or email tennisextremeuk@gmail.com

Junior Holiday Tennis Camps - 2025

Tennis Extreme are run childrens Holiday Tennis Camps at Lympsham, the Avenue and Bridgwater Tennis Clubs during the holiday periods. Details of the Camps for February Half Term and Easter 2025 will be online early in the New Year



Lympsham Tennis Club ‘The little club with the BIG heart’.  With fewer than 50 adult members we are not a big club, however we are extremely fortunate to have some of the best facilities around locally and are the envy of many of our visiting teams.  With two great all-weather floodlit courts and without any time restriction for the use of the floodlights the courts are effectively available to members 24/7, 365 days a year.  Our smaller membership numbers also mean that there is rarely a time when both courts are in use.

Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lympshamtc/

Lympsham Tennis Club is situated in the  village of Lympsham in somerset, on the northern edge of the somerset levels.

The club has two outdoor carpet courts which have the benefit of modern LED floodlights.

The courts are well sheltered by the adjacent historic school buildings and sports pavillion.  

Players can enjoy excellent food and drinks at the adjacent sports pavillion.

The club fields teams in the North Somerset tennis league. There are 2 Mens and 2 Ladies teams in the summer and Three mixed doubles teams in the winter league. The teams cover a wide range of competitive standards from  division 1 to  a development C team playing in the 8th division.

How to find us

Lympsham Tennis Club
Lympsham Sports Club
Lympsham Road
BS24 0DF

Get directions

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Tennis Extreme