Adult Coaching

NEW - Cardio Tennis Sessions for 2025
Cardio Tennis session are a great way to get fit, stay active and have fun whilst playing a sport you love and is suitable for all standards. Sessions start with warm up exercises and drills using a range of fitness and resistance equipment before getting the racket in hand and running through a series of fast paced tennis drills and games working the full range of tennis strokes and movement. A cool down and stretching session completes the workout.
Payment (£8.00 members £9.00 non members) can be made online or in cash or via BACS payment on the day, details of which Tim will provide at the session. If your require any further details please contact Tim on 07887 723554 or e-mail
Sessions commence from Wednesday 15th January 2025. Sessions are booked and paid for on a Pay & Play Basis and can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.