
Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March each year. The fees below are valid for new membership from the date of joining to the end of March 2026. Fees are reduced during the season for late joiners.

You can pay annually or monthly through the ClubSpark platform. If you choose Monthly Direct Debit payments they are calculated on the basis of a full year’s membership.  We recommend that you pay your fees via GoCardless. However, you can also pay by bank transfer to Macclesfield Tennis Club, Sort Code  05-05-68,  a/c 40009982, putting your name as the reference.

If you have any questions about membership please contact our Membership Secretary, Deborah Hughes at or 07768 520739.

Before you join the Tennis Club either as a Tennis Player or as Pickleball Player, you will be required to register with the Lawn Tennis Association as an Advantage Member, which is free of charge, and set up an account. You will automatically be taken to the LTA website when you click ‘Join’. If you are already an LTA member then you will need to have your British Tennis Member Number handy so you can use it to log into the membership part of our website.

After joining you will have access to special offers for LTA events including entry into the Wimbledon ticket ballot.  You will also be eligible to play for one of our teams in the East Chesire Winter League or the North East Cheshire LTL. 

Since 7th Feb 2022, you will need to use your  LTA account to log on to our website, to manage your details, membership. make court booking etc. 


1 Adult 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Adult 2025/26

Eligibility: Adults 30 and over. Age shall be taken as of 1st September preceding the due subscription date.

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2 Young Adult (under 30) 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Young Adult (under 30) - 2025/26

Eligibility: Adults aged 18 - 29. Age shall be taken as of 1st September preceding the due subscription date.

Choose payment option

Join now

3 Joint Adult 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Joint Adult 2025/26

Eligibility: Adult couples living at the same address and both aged 18 or over. Age shall be taken as of 1st September preceding the due subscription date.

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4. Junior (11 - 17) 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Junior (11 - 17) 2025/26

Eligibility: Young People aged 11 to 17 whose parent or guardian is a social or playing member. . Age shall be taken as of 1st September preceding the due subscription date.

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5. Junior (5 - 10) 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Junior (5 - 10) 2025/26

Eligibility: Children below the age of 11 whose parent or guardian is a social or playing member. . Age shall be taken as of 1st September preceding the due subscription date.

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6. Parent/Guardian 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Parent/Guardian 2025/26

Eligibility: Adult aged 18 or over who is the parent/guardian of a junior member. This gives access to the clubhouse facilities and rights to play with their junior member at specific times. This is not required if the guardian is a full member.

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7. Social 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Social 2025/26

Eligibility: Adults aged 18 or over who have access to the clubhouse facilities but have no rights to use the tennis courts.

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9. Pickleball Social 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

May use the Pickleball courts but not the tennis courts. The booking system is available to book the Pickleball courts. Access to the clubhouse is permitted but only when it is open.

Eligibility: Any age.

Join now