Looking to join a team?

Want to join a team? Contact our Teams Coordinator
Catering for various standard of tennis. Teams play at weekends and mid-week.
Teams Coordinator - Daniel Power (mltcchair@gmail.com) or one of the team captains.
Mapledurham LTC run a series of teams
Interested in playing competively? Join a team. Men's and Ladies Doubles and Mixed Doubles. We compete in regional leagues, have competitions and ladders within the club.
Weekend Leagues - Team Captains
Mens A Team - Huib Steenbergen
Ladies A Team - Tracy Boylin
Ladies B Team - Lynn Rankin
Mixed A Team - Daniel Power
Midweek Leagues - Team Captains
Mens Team - Kim Knight
Ladies - Christine Bates
MLTC Team Performance
MLTC Team League Performance 2020/21
Annual Club Finals Results
MLTC Finals 2021 Tournament Results
MLTC Finals 2020 Tournament Results