British Tennis Membership

Join British Tennis to access exclusive offers, discounts on tickets and clothing while also keeping up to date with the latest British tennis news via their monthly newsletter. British Tennis Membership also enables members to opt-in to the Wimbledon Ballot and registration is also essential if you want to represent the club competitively.


Please Note - you must also link yourself to our venue as a PLAYER (as opposed to a member). The name of our venue is Market Drayton Tennis Club. Once registered you will be given a BTM and you will have a profile on the LTA website. It is advisable that you keep a note of your username and password because you will need this every time you log in.  


You will need to log in at least once a year to opt-in to the Wimbledon Ballot.  The LTA will email you to remind you to opt in and the process takes 30 seconds once you have logged in. (Alternatively, you can ring the LTA to opt in on (0208 487 7000)).


If you do wish to be considered for tickets, you must have opted in by the deadline otherwise you will NOT be eligible. If you are a member of several clubs it is important to link yourself (via your LTA profile) to all of these clubs.