Membership at MDTC
Reasons to Join
- All standards of player are welcome, from the “I’ve never picked up a racket before” newcomer through to the more advanced player.
- Free use of the courts throughout the year.
- Popular coaching sessions with our coaches, Ollie & Matt
- Opportunities to represent the club in a variety of competitions, including in the Shropshire Tennis League.
- Loads of opportunity for social tennis with like-minded adults.
- A wide range of fun social events organised throughout the year both on & off the court.
When first joining, you will be required to create a 'log-in' account. This will enable the system to recognise you as a club member and to allow member functionality and benefits.
The LTA offers free membership to all MDTC members. We strongly encourage all members to become a British Tennis Member (BTM). Please take a few minutes to join via the LTA website.
British Tennis Membership has further benefits and enables members to opt-in to the Wimbledon Ballot.
MDTC Membership Options - JOIN HERE
Still not convinced?
Check out our YouTube video (courtesy of SheinMedia) & see what our members have to say!
You can also check out our FaceBook page, which has club info, news & updates.
Joining as a new member?
We have a wide range of new membership packages available, or try one of our trial packages to make sure it's the sport / venue for you, before committing to a full 12 month membership.
Please note our membership year runs from April 1st till 31st March.
How to renew as an existing member:
You will be sent a renewal link in an email from ClubSpark, from there, just follow the instructions given (please add to your safe senders list). If you need to change membership package, please contact a committee member. If you have any issues, email the Membership Secretary at or call on 07798 903555
000-Winter Adult - 2024/25
01/09/2024- 31/03/2025
7 month Winter Membership for adults who wish to continue playing their tennis on hard courts with floodlights, when their regular facilities don't allow: 1st September - March 31st allowing you to join in on the Autumn League
Eligibility: Adults (Age 17 plus)
001-Family 3 Month Trial
3 months membership
3 months trial of Family membership. Please note the trial membership is a one time only offer and is not available to previous MDTC members
Eligibility: Family from one household. 1 adult + 3 children or 2 adults +2 children upto and including age 16
Up to 4 members
002-Adult 3 Month Trial
3 months membership
3 months trial of Adult membership. Please note the trial membership is a one time only offer and is not available to previous MDTC members.
Eligibility: Eligibility: Adults (Age 17 to 64)
003-Senior 3 Month Trial
3 months membership
3 months trial of Senior membership. Please note the trial membership is a one time only offer and is not available to previous MDTC members.
Eligibility: Eligibility: Adults (Age 65+)
01-Family - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A family package that can include 2 full adults age 18+ and up to 4 children with a maximum age of 17. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: 2 Adults (Age 18+ on 1st Apr 2024) and up to 4 children ( 17 & under on 1st Apr 2024)
Up to 6 members
02-Adult Couple - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A package for 2 adults living at the same address. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Both Adults (Age 25 to 64 on 1st April 2023)
Up to 2 members
03-Adult Single - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Single adult. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Adult (Age 25 to 64 on 1st April)
05-Silver Server - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A package for the wiser generation. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Seniors (Age 65+ on 1st April)
06-Young Adult - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A package for young adults. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Young adults (Age 18 to 24 on 1st April)
07-Junior Maxi - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A package for the "soon to be adult" youth. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Children (Age 14 to 17 on 1st April)
08-Junior Midi - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A package for mid age range kids. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Children (Age 11 to 13 on 1st April)
09-Junior Mini - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A package for the younger child. (Pro-Rata pricing applied)
Eligibility: Children (Age 10 or below on 1st April)
11-Social / Mini Midi Parent - 2024/25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Adult member who is entitled to knock-up with their Junior Midi or Mini charge only.
Eligibility: Adult (Age 21 or older on 1st April)
12-Coaching Only
12 months membership
A package for the entitlement of adults to attend official club coaching sessions only - No social play, No competitions
Eligibility: Adult (Age 18+ on Joining Date)
14-Far-Away Rallyer
12 months membership
A package for an occasional player living 35+ miles (as the crow flies) from MDTC (TF9 3SL)
Eligibility: Adult
15-Walking Tennis
12 months membership
A package for players to join for Walking Tennis play only. This package allow you to ONLY book courts Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Eligibility: Adult