Survey comments

Q13. If you have any comments of feedback about the floodlights please tell us here.


75383486 A club with floodlights is likely to be more attractive to prospective new members, particularly to better players so should increase the playing standard of members at the club. Will also allow the Club Coach to run more coaching courses over the winter months.

75382701 I would like to know how it affects the local residence ie light pollution

75382190 I appreciate this will not be an easy proposal to implement due to likely objections from people living nearby. However I feel it worth perusing as in the long term it would be to the benefit of the membership.

75381657 I don't think now is the time to ask people for more money.

75381030 Because I don’t live in Marnhull and would not be affected directly by the changes, I feel it is not really appropriate for me to comment.

75106019 I think that the club would benefit far more from the addition of an extra court rather than the floodlights. This would enable more people to play throughout the day and summer evenings and I can’t imagine that the cost would be greater than floodlights.

75095102 We would be better off adding an extra court

74875458 Definitely feel that it is those hoping for the availability of floodlit courts who should be the members who bear the major cost.

74817871 It's a great initiative. Get on it!

74631709 It would make better use of the courts in the winter especially for people who work all day. It would also allow evening club sessions to start a little later.

74614812 Club thriving as is. Floodlights would attract more (esp out the area) members. Court availibility would become a problem and club would loose friendly village personalisation

74553095 Not environmentally friendly. Doubt solar power would work. It may be great for a few people but not something that I would use. However, thank you for looking into it. I don’t really know enough about the project but can see planning issues & upsetting neighbours would be a time consuming issue! Jx

74530860 An interesting one really. Overall, I would be fine paying some more to be able to use the floodlights but i am also fairly ambivalent about whether or not this is a worthwhile project in practice and whether there is likely to be sufficient demand to warrant the large cost. There is also a risk that floodlights change the club for the worse, i.e. we become a bit too commercial. Lots of food for thought generally with this and happy to join the debate.

74530157 I think it would be easier to increase annual charge than try to keep on top of everyone paying an additional charge each time they use the floodlights. After all, if we can access the courts more frequently, ie when it's getting dark, our annual fee can be increased to take account of the extra access! Getting grants seems like a viable option, along with additional fundraising ...

74528050 Presumably the charge per hour for floodlights is per court not per person??? Not clear from the question.

74523351 I do not support the suggestion of installing floodlights for the following reasons:- environmental wildlife/light polution. Inconsiderate for the neighbouring private homes

74502900 I feel the floodlights, if it were to given the go ahead, could also have a possible donations or fund raising event to help with costs.

74489643 For people working during the day and evenings are only available time they have to play I think the hire cost should be kept as low as possible or they might be put off playing altogether over the winter months.

74481939 When I moved to the area a few years ago I joined Sherborne tennis club primarily because their floodlights meant I could play into the evenings all year round, so I think having them at Marnhull would be of great benefit to membership. However, from a planning perspective the proximity of the courts to residential areas may, I fear, prove problematic.

74480712 Suggest an annual membership, then an annual membership with use of floodlights? Is there fundraising for the project?

74478510 Very supportive in general.