How to find us
Mayfield Lawn Tennis Club
Station Road
TN20 6BU
Mayfield Lawn Tennis Club is one of the oldest tennis clubs in Sussex, having been started in 1895.
It has a modern pavilion, two artificial grass courts and three artificial clay courts all well maintained, with floodlights on the four main courts. All this in a sheltered peaceful environment near to Mayfield village.
The Club has a thriving membership with activities for all ages, from coaching for the four year olds up to gentle fours for those in advancing years. There are many coaching courses, inter-club matches, club days, and tournaments both social and more competitive. For junior members, there is coaching on Friday evenings together with other coaching courses and tournaments.
You are welcome to pay us a visit!
If you wish to join, please fill up an APPLICATION FORM (from the Membershp page) and return to the Membership Secretary, GARNET SHACKEL, SPINNEYS, WELLBROOK, MAYFIELD, SUSSEX, TN20 6HH
Tel: 01435 873113