Menheniot Tennis Club

Important Information

Reminder: Adult Club Night runs every Tuesday from 7pm - 9.30pm; Junior Club sessions run every Saturday morning from 10am - 12pm. There is a new Adult Club Afternoon starting on a Friday from  2pm - 4pm. Members are notified via WhatsApp if any of the sessions above are cancelled due to adverse weather.

For junior and adult coaching sessions and other activities, please check the relevant tabs above.




Menheniot Tennis Club is a friendly village club formed in March 1998 and officially opened their courts on the 7th June 1998. Last year the club celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a BBQ under beautiful blue skies together with an award ceremony to recognise great achievements and some of the clubs original members.

The club has two floodlit carpet courts and boasts great opportunities for social and competitive tennis, along with a great junior and adult coaching programme. If you are looking for a fitness class, Cardio Tennis is run once a week.

We have always tried to keep Membership fees to a minimum and this year is no different. 

New members of all abilities are welcome.  For new membership and general equiries either use the "Contact us" form in the link above or email:

Our fees for 2024/25 are as follows:

  • Adult membership: £55
  • Joint membership (2 adults from same family): £100
  • Juniors (Up to Year 6):  £12.50
  • Juniors (Years 7 - 11): £17.50
  • Student (over 16 in further education ):  £22.50
  • Family membership (2 adults plus u16s from same family):  £110

For any non-playing parent who wishes to play with their child who is in the coaching programme, we are pleased to offer a half price membership (£27.50)  fee to give you the opportunity to access the courts with your child for tennis practice.

Non members: pay and play - £2.50 pp per hour (contact the club in advance by emailing the above address for booking and instructions)

Find us on Instagram: 

Latest news

2024 AGM Minutes

Limited Court Availability - LED Lighting Installation

Club Charity Quiz Night

More News

How to find us

Menheniot Tennis Club
East Road
PL14 3QY

Get directions