
Jimmy's Easter Tennis Camps

Booking for Easter Camps will be opening soon.  Camps are open to both members and non-members.

There are a few things we need you to do first :

Please ensure your child(ren)’s Clubspark profile is up-to-date, particularly emergency contact details.  

To do this, 
-    sign in to your Clubspark account
-    click on your name at the top of the Home screen and toggle into the name of your child
-    click on “edit profile” to check their profile details and save any necessary changes
-    you should do this for every child you are the main contact for

If your child has any medical conditions we should be aware of, please email so we can make sure our records are updated.

Please register with Clubspark. You must do this even if you/your child(ren) are not members of Merchiston Tennis Club as you will not be able to book on to the Easter Camps without a login.  Registering with Clubspark DOES NOT make you/your child members of the Club. 

You can register here by clicking on the “sign in” button on the top right of the screen.  The account must be registered by an adult, in the adult’s name.  Once booking opens, you will sign in to your account but you will be able to book in your child(ren)’s name(s).

For both members and non-members
If your child has not been coached by Jimmy at Merchiston before, please complete the coaching form and either post it or email it to Jimmy once your booking has been confirmed.  A link to the form and Jimmy’s details can be found on the website Coaching page.

Details of the Camps can be found on our Coaching>Easter Camps tab