Thank you for choosing to book and use the Methlick MUGA. We are very proud of our facilities and hope you will help us keep it in tip-top condition, so it can be enjoyed by all for many years to come.
To keep our facilities in great condition we need your help, and offer up these guidelines for everyone to follow:
- Wear clean and appropriate footwear.
- Keep surface free from mud and debris.
- Keep surface free from leaves, weeds and moss.
- Unpack any sporting equipment carefully.
- Return all sporting equipment to the provided storage at the entrance.
- Take your litter home with you.
- Keep the gates closed.
- Contact us immediately regarding any damaged, broken or missing equipment.
- Metal or plastic studded footwear.
- Spiked shoes or blades.
- Chewing gum, food or drinks (except water)
- Animals inside the fence.
- Spectators on the playing surface.