Membership Rules

  1. All members, guests, staff and volunteers must follow the codes of conduct
    and read our safeguarding policy. Please refer to the welfare page on our
    The codes of conduct are also displayed on the courts.
  2. The tennis courts are to be used for tennis and netball only.
  3. Only paid up members are permitted to use the courts.
  4. All players must be members of Milton Tennis Club (with the exception of paying guests, team opponents or club organised events open to non-members. Paying guests must have been approved and paid a £3 fee per play in advance and accompanied by a member. Guests must adhere to the codes of conduct and follow club rules)
  5. All individual members (including family members) receive a numbered shoe tag on application.
  6. Shoe tags (black for 2024 season) must be worn on court at all times. Spot checks may be made at any time by the MTC committee members.
  7. Courts can be booked via by current members of MTC.
  8. In the event of a dispute priority will be given to those players with evidence of the booking and wearing their MTC shoetags (as evidence of membership).
  9. Bicycles are not allowed on the main 3 tennis courts whatsoever. Please use the bicycle racks outside the community centre. Both cycling and propping up bicycles have caused damage to the court surface.
  10. Football is not allowed on the 3 main courts as this can also damage the court surface.
  11. Courts must be locked after use and the code randomised (if the courts have no further play).
  12. Do not leave the gate open when you leave, as this can lead to vandalism.
  13. All litter is to be placed in the litter bins provided. If you have recyclable items please take them home with you and recycle them there as the bins are not sorted for recycling. Tennis balls can be recycled using a bin provided in the shelter.
  14. The entry code must not be given to anybody else
  15. Climbing on any of the fences is not permitted.
  16. Lights must be turned off at the white box after use.
  17. The nets should be wound down after use to reduce the tension.
  18. Nets may be taken down and placed at the rear of the courts, taking care to ensure there is no damage to the winding mechanism, and that the centre strap is unclipped first.
  19. Do not pull the net headline through the net as it is extremely difficult to retrieve and thus may render the net ‘out of use’ for a significant period of time.
  20. Any problems should be reported to committee members as soon as possible.
  21. Only committee members are permitted to open the tennis club display board.