Welcome to Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club


Welcome to Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club in Edinburgh, where tennis has been played for more than 100 years.  We have four great resurfaced artificial grass courts, two of which have LED floodlights.  

Whatever your standard, new members are always welcome at our small and friendly club, where there is a range of social and competitive tennis.

The Club is an LTA registered venue and therefore meets their Safeguarding Standards and associated Policies and Procedures.  These include Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion and appointed Welfare Officer.  Further information can be requested from: membership@murrayfieldtennis.co.uk




Join MLTC today

Joining MLTC today is easy, just email: membership@murrayfieldtennis.co.uk 

How to find us

Murrayfield LTC
57 Corstorphine Road
Scotland East
EH12 8QG

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