History of Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club

Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club, originally known as The West Edinburgh Tennis and Croquet Club, was formed in 1904. The club was established at 57, Corstorphine Road, which in 1904 was on the outskirts of Edinburgh, by the new homeowners in the area west of Coltbridge who felt the need for some recreational facilities. Murrayfield Golf Club had been founded a few years earlier.
Over many years Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club has played an important role at Local, District and International levels and has contributed to Club, East of Scotland and Scottish Tennis both as players and administrators. The club has provided many East of Scotland and Scottish champions at Junior and Senior levels, Wimbledon players including a mixed doubles champion and administrators who became Presidents of the East of Scotland Lawn Tennis Association and the Scottish Lawn Tennis Association.
Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club is one of the oldest clubs in the East of Scotland and although tennis has radically changed over the past 100 years it remains a very healthy and active club.
A history of the club was written by Colin Robertson to celebrate its centenary in 2004 and if any member would like a copy of the book free of charge please contact membership@murrayfieldtennis.co.uk