The Peg System

The Peg System

We use a Peg System for fair and easy rotation of players at our Club Social Tennis Sessions.

How the Peg System works

In case there has been any confusion over how the peg board system works for mixing in on Weekday, Monday Men’s Night, Tuesday Ladies Night, Wednesday & Saturday Club Play - it is detailed below. If you have any question or comments on this - please raise this with the committee.

  • When you come to play tennis, put your peg on the “SELECTIONS FROM” section. Whoever is the 1st peg on the left then gets to choose three other players from the first seven players. Visitors and brand new members must not be the 1st peg. If this is the case they should swap with the next experienced member in the queue and move to the 2nd peg.  
  • For Weekday, Wednesday and Saturday Club play the default is to pick a mixed four. If this is not possible then a men’s or ladies doubles, or any other combination can be selected. You can choose anybody you like so don’t be shy. 
  • Put the four you have chosen onto the relevant court on the board and go and play your game. If all three courts are taken put your four players into the “Waiting section” and you will take the next available court.
  • When finished – come back and put these four pegs back on the “SELECTIONS FROM” row, queue and wait to be picked again. The two winners placed before the two losers. 
  • If you refuse to play in the chosen four, then you move your peg to the back of the queue.
  • A named peg will be created for you once you become a member of the club: Blue pegs for men & Red pegs for ladies.

Guidance for Play

  • You should not end up playing with the same three players all session. As tempting as this can be for ‘established’ fours it is unfair on other players and against the etiquette for Club Play - If your four has just come off court and there are only four or five players in the queue it would be a good idea to wait for another court to finish so that players can be mixed up a bit 
  • To ensure that everyone gets a game, unless there is an even number and no one waiting off court we play best of 7 games. If there are 4, 8 or 12 attending the session and no one is off court you can play a full set.

Club session etiquette

Our club sessions are for social tennis, mixed doubles whenever possible, so if you come to a club session you must expect to play with whoever is on the peg board.  If you want to play specific people you should arrange these games outside the club sessions.