
Apply for membership of Neath Tennis and book your court at a reduced rate.  You will be eligible for discounted prices on coaching and group sessions.  You will become a member of Neath Community Tennis Courts Ltd. and be able to participate at the AGM.

Memberships run for 12 months from the time of registration.

Ymgeisiwch i fod yn aelod o Tenis Castell-nedd er mwyn bwcio cyrtiau am bris gostyngedig.  Byddwch yn talu prisiau gostyngedig am sesiynau hyfforddiant a digwyddiadau.  Byddwch yn aelod o Neath Community Tennis Courts Cyf. ac yn gallu cymryd rhan yn y CCB.

Mae aelodaethau yn para am 12 mis o'r dyddiad maent yn cychwyn.

Membership Fees:                                                              Ffioedd Aelodaeth:

Individual £66                                                                       Unigolyn £66

Couple £110                                                                            Cwpwl £110

Family £132.50                                                                      Teulu £132.50

Child & Student £33                                                          Plentyn & Myfyriwr £33

Please be aware when taking out a family or couples membership that the main contact will need to tick the box next to their own name  at the add member page to be included in the membership package.

Dalier sylw, wrth ddewis aelodaeth i’r teulu neu i gwpwl, mae angen i’r prif gyswllt dicio’r blwch cyferbyn â’i enw/ei henw er mwyn ychwanegu ei enw/ei henw i’r pecyn aelodaeth.

By applying to become a member of NCTC Ltd you agree to the following statements:

I agree to pay the annual subscription fee when due.

I understand that by becoming a member I am also a member of the company (Neath Community Tennis Courts Ltd.)

In the event of NCTC Ltd being dissolved I undertake to contribute up to £1 to the company. 

I understand that I will be entitled to vote at the Annual General meeting. 

If I fail to pay my membership within 28 days, I accept that I will cease to have the privileges of membership and will no longer be allowed to vote at any AGM.


Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18 irrespective of:-

Ethnicity or nationality. Religion or beliefs. Sex. Gender. Sexual orientation. Age. Disability. 


Adult Membership/Aelodaeth Oedolyn

12 months membership

Single Full Adult Membership/Aelodaeth Oedolyn Sengl Lawn

Join now

Couple Membership/Aelodaeth Pâr

12 months membership

2 adults of the same house hold/2 oedolyn yn byw yn yr un cyfeiriad

Join now

Family Membership/Aelodaeth Teulu

12 months membership

Adults and children from the same household/Oedolion a phlant o'r un cartref

Join now

Student/Child/Unwaged Myfyriwr/Plentyn/Heb gyflog

12 months membership

Student/Child/Unwaged Myfyriwr/Plentyn/Heb gyflog

Eligibility: Proof may be required/Mae'n bosib y bydd angen prawf

Join now