Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Our Welfare officer is Alan Smith - If you have any concerns you can report them to him HERE

It is the function of club night to welcome new members to the club in a safe and inclusive environment. But it is also the responsibility of all members, including parents of juniors and young people, to be aware of the club rules and etiquette, safeguarding and all those policies adopted by the club to help promote that safe environment.  All these documents are attached below and we ask that you acknowledge their existence (please also read if you feel the urge), as part of your membership application. 

Our existing procedures fall within, enhance and complement the minimum standards recommended by the LTA.   All these policies are displayed for all members to view below or are available on request from our Welfare officer or Club Secretary.

As a member of our club your personal data will be processed by NSTC for the purposes of club and membership administration and to facilitate your participation in club activities.


For more about our safeguarding and welfare policies, please select from the links below.

Safeguarding Policy

Diversity and Inclusion

Changing Room Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Use of Photography

Data Protection Policy

If you have any concerns or issues related to the tennis club and its members, you can contact Alan in complete confidence.