There was a fantastic turnout for Liss Village festival on Saturday 22nd June, boosting the club's fundraising efforts to repair and replace the floodlights. Over 30 local clubs, societies, schools, businesses and hobby groups were at Newman Collard Park as local residents came out in numbers for the Liss Village 'Clubs' Festival.
Liss History and Archeology Societies set up some displays showcasing local history and finds, the community choir delivered a number of impromptu performances, Liss Runners and Cyclists set up skill stations and bleep tests while the tennis club set up speed guns and targets on one court, with club coach Natasha Harris providing an afternoon of free coaching on another.
The aim was to provide a range of stalls and free activities showcasing each club and group so that there was something of interest for every age and ability. The variety of local groups in attendance ranged from social, intellectual and creative to personal fitness, wellbeing and team sports. All the groups involved, including local schools, churches, family and youth groups helped provide a great afternoon for Liss families.
A well-thougt out site plan was able to safely accomadate an archery range (Petersfield Bowmen) plus a couple of last minute club entrants (Liss Forest Ballet and Liss Model Railway Society). More importantly the plan also enabled easy access and exit helping the Petersfield Fire engine and crew leave early with sirens sounding.
Petersfield Shine radio was also on hand and interviewed many of the clubs in attendance. You can listen to their podcast here.
A secondary aim for many of the clubs - including the tennis club - was to fundraise. Liss Guides, Scouts and Football club's all benefited as they organised a pop-up tea shop, BBQ and bar respectivley. The tennis club's aim was to raise some funds towards the £15,000 required to repair and replace the flodlights. The main income for the tennis club came from a raffle and auction organised by Lynda and Sarah, home produce stall organised by Sue, toy tombola run on the day by Maria and Torchlight Tennis Marathon by Ben. You can read more about Ben's Torchlight Tennis Marathon here.
The collective efforts of all involved help to raise over £5,000.
The festival came to a close at 5pm and by 6pm -the start time for Ben's Marathon and Club Tournaments - there was no evidence anywhere that the festival had even taken place. A clean up operation led by another Ben (Ben Love) helped ensure that all rubbish was removed and bin bags taken away in a collective effort to leave the site as it was found.
As with all successful events, it took a combined effort by many different people - thankyou to all those who helped and supported the event.