Newtown Tennis Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all it's members.
Our Welfare Officers Christine Hartland and Kay Prout are available to discuss any concerns.
Christine and Kay can be contacted by:
Safeguarding and Welfare policies:
Disciplinary Appeal Procedure Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Photography and Filming Policy
Safeguarding Policy - Children
Transgender and Non-Binary Policy
Quick link/Guidance on reporting a concern:
Flowchart for Reporting a Safeguarding Concern within the Tennis Environment
Flowchart for Reporting a Safeguarding Concern outside the Tennis Environment
Supportive links:
- Childline
- Mental Health Foundation
- Mind - main site
- Mind - Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice
- NSPCC - main site
- NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport Unit
- Rights of the Child
- Safe to Play Tennis
- Samaritans - Wales
- Young Minds
- Dewis Wales