Norbs Teams 2024

Carole • Selma • Helen • Lisa.
Ladies Mid-week Doubles
against St George Club
Norbs Won 4-0

Another great win forJenny • Selma • Helen • Lisa.
Ladies Mid-week Doubles against Edward Alleyn
Norbs Won 4-0


Omar • Tony • Andrew • Claude.
Mens Vets Doubles against North Dulwich.
Norbs won 6-2


Maxine • Helen •Carole • Annemarie
Ladies 2nd Team against Sutton Churches
Norbs won 3-1


Sonia • Lisa • Carole • Selma
Ladies second team against North Dulwich 
Norbs won 3-1


Jenn • Ellie • Selma • Helen
Ladies 2nd team against Cheam Fields
Won  4-0


Anthony • Parth  (who made his debut) Rick • Andy M.
Mens 5th team against Downs LTC
Who drew 2-2



Before committing to a team, and this applies to both men’s and ladies’ teams, we thought it would be helpful to provide some guidelines on what team participation entails.

· If selected to play, you will need to play matches at the weekend usually, but not exclusively, on a Sunday morning. For the ladies’ mid-week team, this would require availability to play during the day-time Monday to Friday. Some of these will be away matches and so agreeing to be in a team means you are happy to travel and devote the necessary time involved to do this - it could be up to 5 or 6 hours in total).

· If it’s a home match, it is polite to offer some post-match refreshments so you will need to contribute to the time and costs associated with this. Each team can work out between them what this comprises.

· You will need to contribute a £3 per match fee (for both home and away matches to make it fair) to cover the cost of balls and league entry fees). Ideally, this should be paid by bank transfer to the Club’s account (Lloyds TSB sort code 30-00-08 account number 00858236), reference “Match Fees”. Proof should then be sent to your captain so they can mark it as paid on their record sheet (Selma has produced a very useful and easy-to-use spreadsheet for this purpose, if required).

· A commitment to attend practice sessions whenever possible is desirable, and to be engaged with the captain and the rest of the team in terms of responding to messages promptly thus actively being part of the team squad.