At Norbury Park we are committed to ensuring that all our members and visitors enjoy their experience, and feel safe and comfortable at the club.
Our Welfare Officer, Omar B Shabbirdin, is here to help you with any issues you may have. He can be contacted, in strictest confidence at safeguarding@NorburyParkLTC.co.uk
Please click on the tabs above to read a summary of our Club Rules and policies on Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion and our Code of Conduct. If you would like a copy of the full policy or another of the policies listed below, please email enquiries@norburyparkltc.co.uk.
Norbury Park LTC Policies
Safeguarding Policy for children and adults
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Use of Changing Rooms Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Accident and Emergency Guidance
Accident Report Form
Photographing and Filming of Children Policy