
Partnering With Norfolk Tennis

Norfolk Tennis is a voluntary ‘not for profit’ organisation. One way that Norfolk Tennis aims to raise funds is via companies and individuals, who, through their generosity enables the county to continue supporting 38 LTA registered tennis clubs/venues, 72 coaches, 198 schools, 40,000+ players our endeavours. 

If you are interested in our Partner Scheme and would like to find out more, please contact Kay Skelton on to discuss a range of packages.

View Norfolk Tennis Partner Scheme PDF

The main areas requiring support, to grow tennis in Norfolk, are:

  • Encouraging those with physical or learning disabilities to play tennis;
  • Outreach into communities in Norfolk to open up tennis;
  • County teams: training, travel and subsistence support related to inter-county events, and sponsorship of kit;
  • The annual County Championships/Festival of Tennis, which includes events for all ages and abilities;
  • Participation programmes, led by LTA registered coaches, that encourage more players to join clubs/venue or play in parks;
  • Developing tennis links in Norfolk’s 198 LTA registered schools;
  • Capital projects in clubs/venues, such as floodlighting;
  • Support of Norfolk Junior Players’ Foundation, helping children ages 12-17 with costs of travel, tournament entry fees, coaching etc.

The benefits to any partner are:

  • Being associated with an inclusive sport played by all ages
  • Excellent opportunities to promote your brand on clothing, at tournaments or events, through the Norfolk Tennis website and social media platforms
  • Assisting companies to meet their commitment to corporate social responsibility

To learn more about how we can work together and to discuss benefits further, please contact: Kay Skelton, (Sponsorship & Funding Officer for Norfolk Tennis) on