South Creake Tennis Club Tennis Coaching Opportunity
Grass Courts.
We are hopeful to run our very successful summer coaching programme for 12 weeks over the Summer, starting June 15th, ending 31st August, but we are missing the vital ingredient................a coach!!
Traditionally we run the programme on Saturday afternoons, starting at 13:00hrs with 3 children's age groups, 4-7, 8-11 and 12 +, we then run an hour's adult coaching, finishing at 16:30hrs, all sessions are supported by 2 South Creake Member Volunteers.
We pay a very competitive rate/ the hour and there is obviously the possibility pick up extra coaching from our members if you are the resident coach!
I understand that 12 weeks is a huge commitment, but if you needed any weeks off for holidays/family time etc then we would be able to find spot cover if you were able to do the majority (8/12).
Coaches must hold level 2 LTA accreditation to be eligible for application.
"Additionally we would be willing to explore a different day/format to run the coaching sessions for the right coach!
It is also our Clubs' Centenary year which means we will be getting plenty of press attention over the course of the summer, a great way to advertise your coaching services if you were involved with the club!!
If you are interested in the role, please contact Cat Knight, Chair of South Creake Tennis Club via email: