
Norfolk U/8 Inter County Event

On Sunday 23rd of June Norfolk 8 and under boys and girls took part in an inter county event at Hills Road tennis centre in Cambridge.

The boys team consisted of Henry, Oliver, Barnaby, Ben, Finlay and Stanley. They kicked things off against Essex losing 4-2. 4 of the 6 matches went to 9-9 which was a fantastic start from the boys against tough opposition. Barnaby also made a great comeback from being 9-7 down to winning 10-9.

The second game of the day was against northants where the boys got 5-1 win with Finlay and Ben getting their first win of the day after Henry and Barnaby won their games against Essex. Oliver also recovered from a tumble in the netting separating the courts to get his first win as well. Bravely ripping his plaster off mid match saying it was getting in his way of swinging.

Our third game against Berkshire was were Stan picked up his first win of the day in a 4-2 win for Norfolk. Some close games again with both Finlay and Barnaby winning 10-9. However, in an impressive performance Henry beat their first seed 10-2.

In the last group stage game against Herts we drew 3-3 with Finlay, Barnaby and Oliver all winning. As it was a 3-3 drew it meant us and Herts both won 2, lost 1 and drew 1. However, as they had the better points difference they went through in second place with Norfolk in third place with Berkshire winning the group.

In the next round we came up against local rivals Suffolk. Stanley narrowly lost out 10-8 in the first game. But then Finlay came up with a big 10-2 win followed up by Ben winning 10-6. Followed by wins as well from Barnaby (10-8) Oliver (10-5) and Henry (10-2) in a 5-1 win for Norfolk.

Our final game was against Oxfordshire where Norfolk drew again 3-3. Again a tough opponent with a couple of 10-9 games. Where Barnaby managed to claim a 10-9 win and Henry narrowly missing out 10-9 in the final game.

Overall a fantastic effort from all the boys. Unlucky not to place higher especially after a draw against Herts who came third overall and a WIN against Berkshire who came second overall.



After the boys session in the morning it was the girls turn. The girls team consisted of Alice, Anastasia, Ioanna, Betsy, Emily and Megan.

The girls first match was against the home team Cambridge where they won 4-2. With a 10-6 win for Betsy and an impressive 10-9 win from Ioanna after being 7-1 down. Alice also narrowly lost out 10-7 in a really well thought out first game.

The second game was against Essex who were overall winners of the girls event. Norfolk sadly losing out 6-0 here. However, even though there was no win here the girls showed good fight and made Essex work hard for it. Emily Unlucky in only losing out 10-8.

The last game in the girls group was against Berkshire. Were the girls drew 3-3. Megan and Emily were unlucky not to win their games. Both narrowly losing out 10-9 and Anastasia losing 10-7. However, second wins for Betsy and Ioanna as well as a 10-4 win for Alice got us the draw.

In the next round the girls came up against Northants in another 3-3 draw. Emily got her first win of the day 10-7. Anastasia narrowly lost out 10-9. But wins again for Alice (10-8) and Ioanna (10-7).

In the final round the girls played Bucks. Megan thought hard in her best match of the day but narrowly lost out 10-7. Emily and Betsy both won their games 10-8. Ioanna and Anastasia both thought hard but lost out in their games and Alice in a very hard thought last game lost out 10-8. Meaning a 4-2 loss for Norfolk.

Overall for the girls this was their best performance together as a group making tougher opposition really work hard. The girls also thought for everything and put all their effort into their matches and had a really good team bond on the day.


A big thank you to all the parents for bringing them and to Gregor and Louis for helping score as well as keep morale of the kids up whenever they were off court.