How to start Competing

We run regular matchplay events within our group squads, and host local matchplay events and tournaments too.

The fisrt steps into competing can be daunting, so its a good idea to enter as many fun tournaments at your home venue as you can. Its important for both player and parent to get used to the rules and build confidence.

Click here see Devonshire events coming up.

Then you'll be ready and prepared to play in a local tournament!...Maybe a friend could enter with you, so that you have a friendly face there (and parents you have someone to share a coffee and a chat with to help the natural nerves that will be there for you too!)

Take a look at the LTA's competition search tool to find the best first tournament for you and don't forget talk to your coach! We are always happy to help recommend where to start and will even come with you if we can to support and cheer you on.

Some more  handy links: