Reasons to play Racketball / Squash 57

From 28th April 2023 racketball open sessions (drills and match play) Friday mornings 7.30am to 9.30am (excluding 30th June to 28th July) but turn up at any time if you aren't an early riser.  Free to members, £5 visitors.

Squash is one of, if not the most intense physical sports in the world.  This is why so many of us love it but we are conscious that for some people the barriers to play squash for the first time are high.  Squash has a reputation for being tough. It’s a reputation that many of us are rightly proud of.  As the saying goes ‘you don’t play squash to get fit, you need to be fit to play squash’.

If someone doesn’t feel that they are very sporty it might prove a challenge to get them to try squash for the first time. The Racketball ball is bigger and bouncier. The result is that it travels less quickly through the air and you have longer to reach the ball before it bounces twice. This results in much less of a strain on the body than any other mainstream racket sport.

Everything about Racketball is designed to be as easy at the start as possible. You bounce the serve and the racket is short with a huge head. Racketball’s tag line is a game that is “easy to play but hard to master”.

Racketball is probably the easiest racket sport for beginners to pick up.


1. Out of all racket sports, Racketball has the longest on average rallies giving players the best cardio workout.

2. Great mental workout where you have to think several shots ahead of your opponent to win a point.

3. On court both players occupy the same space unlike badminton or tennis where a net is separating you ​from your opponent this makes the game much more social throughout.

4. In doubles partners play alternative shots. This makes for a true team game, you cannot deliberately play off a weaker member of the opposition or hide behind a strong team mate. To win at Racketball doubles you must play as a team.

5. The game is easily accessible, a new racket, ball and pair of court shoes can be purchased for under £100

​6. Racketball is a fantastic game for all demographics, at the 2019 Racketball Nationals the age of our competitors ranged from nine years old to 83 playing the same game with the same rules on the same day in the same competition.

7. Games of Racketball do not involve huge dynamic lunges like other racket sports like tennis, squash or badminton. The sport does not involve contact unlike football and rugby. This all combines to making Racketball less of an injury risk and easier on the joints.