

Chair: Nigel Hatt

Treasurer/Membership: Jane Reap

Match Secretary/Publicity: Penny Luke

Summer Tournament Secretary:  Del Salter

Welfare Officer: Lynn Pullen

Committee Member/Deputy Welfare Officer: Jan Petto

All enquiries:

Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion

Lynn Pullen is the Welfare Officer with responsibilities for Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion.

Click here for our Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Click here for our Safeguarding policy, a hard copy is also available in the club house.   If you believe that a child/adult  has a safeguarding issue and is in immediate danger call the emergency services.  If the child/adult is not in immediate danger you should inform the club's Welfare Officer by emailing her at

You can also report a concern to the LTA, click here for the web link.  The Welfare Officer will be able to advise on the route of reporting required if you are unsure. 

The LTA Safeguarding Team is responsible for assessing all safeguarding concerns/disclosures that are reported to them, and working with the clubs Welfare Officer and National Safeguarding Leads to follow up as appropriate on a case by case basis, prioritising the well-being of the child/adult at risk at all times. Dependent on the concern/disclosure, a referral may be made to:

Emergency services:  999

Local Authority Children’s Services: 0300 555 1384

Local Authority Adult Services: 0300 555 1378

Designated Officer for concerns/disclosures about a coach, official or volunteer: 01962 876364

Code of Conduct

Old Basing Tennis Club has adopted the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Code of Conduct for players, parents, coaches and volunteers. 

Click here for the LTA Code of Conduct Policy


How to find us

Old Basing Tennis Club
Riley Lane
Old Basing
Hampshire & Isle of Wight
RG24 7DH

Get directions