Tennis Activities

We offer a variety of tennis activities across the year, both socially and competitively to suit everyone’s needs. There will also be ad-hoc events through the year which will be communicated vie email and our club WhatsApp group nearer the time.

Information about our competitive offers can be found on the sub-menu’s above. The variety of activities we offer are as follows;

  • Social Tennis - Takes place every Sunday from 12pm each week (weather permitting) and Tuesdays from 6pm (once the nights are light and prior to league matches starting in late April) 
  • American Doubles tournaments - Fun tournaments scheduled across different points of the year which accommodate all ages and standards so everyone can take part
  • Social Events - Various events scheduled across the year, such as a Start of Season Party and other organised occasions.
  • Rusty Rackets - Organised doubles on Fridays from 6pm for those less experienced and looking to get back on court. Cost is FREE for members and £5 for non-members
  • Club Competitions - Internal matches and box leagues scheduled in the summer months.