League Teams - Tennis Liverpool League

Summer League
During the summer, Palmerston supplies teams that compete in the Tennis Liverpool league. We currently have 6 men's teams and 2 ladies teams ranging from A division to G division which covers a range of standards. We also compete in the Fairlawn and Brockbank cup competitions which follows on from the league.
Each team consists of 6 players, forming 3 doubles pairs. Each pair will play 2 matches on each match night. There are usually 14 league games for each team across the season, and will play opposing teams both home and away.
The league season generally starts around the last week in April and ends around the beginning of August each year. Match nights are either Tuesdays or Thursdays depending on the team you represent.
Match practice takes place on Tuesday evenings prior to the league starting once the nights are light enough. Club captains may also organise team practice on Sundays, which can run in conjunction with our social tennis.
Winter League
We also supply teams for the newly formed Tennis Liverpool Winter League. Matches are played indoors and are usually scheduled Friday evenings at 7pm or Sunday evenings at 4pm, depending on the fixture scheduled.
For 2023, we have entered 4 league teams ranging from the top league and a lower team for less experienced players. Each team consists of 2 men and 2 ladies, with the a men and ladies competing in a doubles match each, and then pairing up to play a further mixed doubles match. Therefore playing 2 matches each on the night.