Club Weekly Timetable

If you are new to the club and would like to find a hitting partner, please get in touch to join one of the WhatsApp groups for the weekly social sessions.


Ladies Tuesday / Thursday Morning 10am WhatsApp Group: email Caroline Oakley

Mixed Club Night Wednesday from 6pm WhatsApp Group: email Neil James or Caroline Oakley

Men's Sunday Morning 9am WhatsApp Group: email Neil James


We have weekly sessions for men's, ladies' and mixed tennis. We are really proud to be a welcoming club and there is something for all players no matter what your current level. We can help to advise new members which sessions would be most suitable when you first join.

We also run regular internal competitions and tournaments across the age groups. Check the events page for more details.

Weekly social sessions are as follows:

Monday 7pm Men's Evening
Tuesday 10-12pm Ladies' Morning
7pm Men's Evening
Wednesday 6pm Adult Mixed Club Night
Thursday 10-12pm  Mixed Morning
Friday 9:30am Ladies Team Practice (Invitation)
5:30pm Junior Club Evening
Saturday 9:00am-1pm Junior Club Coaching
1pm onwards League Matches (some weekends)
Sunday 9-11am Men's Morning
11am onwards League Matches (some weekends)