A fun and friendly club, join today - get fit, make friends and have fun! Prestatyn Tennis Club

PTC AGM February 21st 2025 at 7:30pm

All members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting on Friday 21st February at 7:30pm. The meeting will be followed with refreshments and an opportunity to socialise in the Clubhouse.

The Club is a family friendly oriented tennis club open to all abilities.

View photos from recent Club activities and Social events on the Club Facebook page

Join our friendly Facebook Group to find people to play.


Book a court using our ClubSpark Booking system, you will need to sign in or register to book. 
Non Members it's £6 an hour to play - see court booking page for details of how to book and pay. 


PTC Covid Guidelines

Visit the Lawn Tennis Association Website for a wealth of information: LTA Website

Latest news

Join us for our family fun day on Saturday 18th September at the club.

Find out how to join!

Quiz! - Sign up and join in the fun next weekend!

More News

Open Day - Saturday 13th April 2-4pm 2024

Here is the membership form for 2024




1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025

For all year round tennis      Free floodlights on Club nights

Membership Categories                                                                20% discount  

                                                                                                                        Before 1st May        after 30th April

Adult:                                                                                                                     £100                            £125.00

Family: (2 Adults and up to 2 children                                                                                                                                     

 or 1 adult and up to 3 children)                                                           £150                              £187.50

Junior: (over 13 yrs on 1st Jan 2024 and up to 18)                     £30                                 £37.50

Cadet: (over 9 yrs on 1st Jan 2024 and up to 13)                         £25                                 £31.50

Mini: (over 5 yrs and under 9 yrs on 1st Jan 2024)                     £15                                  £18.50    

Student: (Any person over 18 in full time education)               £60                                  £75.00

Social:                                                                                                                      £20                                  £24.00


Clubhouse keys can be obtained from the Treasurer at cost of approx £6 - Adults only.

Please fill in form below and send cheques (payable to Prestatyn Tennis Club) to:

Mr Elfyn Hughes. Chapelsteads, 6 The Avenue, Woodland Park, Prestatyn LL19 9RD

or pay direct to Prestatyn Tennis Club    40 - 37- 22   a/c no. 81386115

or via Clubsparks


Address (including  Post Code):



email address:______________________________                                    Total Amount to Pay £_____________  



Join The Action: British Tennis Membership

Would you like to play more, watch more or compete more?

Welcome to Prestatyn  Lawn Tennis Club – As you have joined an LTA Affiliated Club you can also become a British Tennis Member at no additional cost. British Tennis Membership can provide you with helpful and relevant information to help you and your Tennis Community increase your current level of involvement in tennis. By joining the action you can be entered into the Club Ballot for Wimbledon Tickets, get a player rating and much more.

As a British Tennis Member the LTA would like to hear what you would like from your membership, what is happening in your Tennis Community and if there is any information you would like to make it easier for you to play more, watch more and compete more. To get in touch, e-mail info@LTA.org.uk.

Name of Affiliated Club      PRESTATYN TENNIS CLUB

Would you like an LTA Rating                     Yes                             No


Data Protection Statement

By signing this form, you agree that the Club and the LTA and its national, county and island associations can use your personal data, including sensitive personal data, for membership purposes and to send you by post or email or SMS information related to those purposes. For further details please see www.lta.org.uk/privacy.

To help us raise funds for tennis, the LTA may also wish to do the following (please tick the following if you do not want us to:

  • send you information about LTA offers and about offers from carefully selected third parties by post/email/SMS     [  ]
  • pass your contact details to carefully selected third parties so that they can send you, by post, details of their products and services   [  ]


Terms and conditions

The Terms and Conditions of British Tennis Membership can be accessed at: www.lta.org.uk/BritishTennisMembership/Termsandconditions.pdf or from your Club Secretary along with The Club Rules. .

By signing below I agree to:-


  • Become a member of Prestatyn Tennis Club and British Tennis Membership;
  • Abide by the Club rules and the terms and conditions of British Tennis Membership;
  • The Data Protection Statement above;
  • It is a condition of membership of Prestatyn Tennis Club that you also become a member of British Tennis.
  • Inform Prestatyn Tennis Club about any changes to my personal information such as address, phone number or email.









                           Please return with membership application form

Please describe any special needs, allergies etc for any juniors included in the box below


Parent/Guardian declaration

By signing this form, I agree to the names on this form taking part in the general activities of the Club


Photographs of my child may be taken to publicise our tennis club unless otherwise stated    YES/NO


I agree another adult transporting my child to a tennis event to play in a match or tournament   YES/NO            (if applicable)

To my knowledge, he/she has no special care needs, dietary requirements, allergies or medical conditions that could affect his/her safety at the club, other than those declared on this form. I understand that in the event of injury, illness or other medical need, all reasonable steps will be taken to contact me, and to deal with the situation appropriately.


I understand that I must inform the Club of any changes to the information provided on this form

Signature.......................................... Landline No.............................   Mobile No......................

Emergency Contact   No.....................................       Date.............................          


How to find us

Prestatyn Tennis Club
Gronant Road
Wales North
LL19 9DS

Get directions