
Prime Tennis hosts a number of competitive sessions and events at Pershore Tennis Centre, click here to find out more ..
Pershore Junior Club Matchplay ages 6-18
- Provides match play experiences to as many junior club members as possible.
- Expands the coaching court to a match court experience.
- Gets juniors to learn and understand the match court experience.
- Supports and recognise players who are motivated by match court play.
- Gives entry level players something to aim for
- Creates a more balanced complete junior tennis program.
- Educates players about the game.
- Standardises club player levels using WTN via results manager.
- Increases long term interest in the sport.
Who is it for?
- All junior club members ages 6-18.
- Players new to competition looking to get some match experience with other similar level Players.
- Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced
- Players who are ready to learn and experience tennis on a match court.
- For a schedule of events please click on Pershore Junior Club Matchplays
For all enquires contact the Head Coach, Steve Bauer on: