Owner and Head Coach

As Owner and Head Coach, Ross is responsible for the management and delivery of all projects carried out by RTT. An LTA accredited+ coach, Ross has amassed nearly 8 years of coaching experience across clubs in the North, South and West counties of Scottish tennis, and has a wealth of knowledge in areas such as coaching programme development, school/community partnerships, volunteer engagement and competition/matchplay planning. 

Balancing his tennis commitments alongside his studies, Ross has established working partnerships with a number of venues and organisations across Dundee, including Forthill Community TC, Forthill Community Sports Club, Wormit and Newport Tennis Club, AngusAlive and Leisure and Culture Dundee. 

Supported by Tennis Scotland, Ross aims to develop a coaching and events programme which supports the growth of Dundee's city-wide activity and offers further playing opportunites for all players.

Ross has a strong playing background which stems from his early junior days. he has competed at local, regional and national events and is a strong supporter of getting people playing the game in this environment, at whatever level is applicable to them. In his coaching capacity, he strives to develop bespoke programmes that cover the 4 key areas of tactical, technical, physical and mental as these are applicable at all levels of the game. 


Private Lessons: £25 p/hr 

Mobile: 07464790067

Email: r.taylor@rosstaylortennis.com 


Key Honours / Awards: 

  • Tennis Scotland Young volunteer of the year (2017)
  • Abertay University tennis club of the year (2017) 
  • Wimbledon / LTA play zone volunteer (2017) 
  • Spirit of Abertay trophy award (2016)
  • Active Schools Dundee rising star volunteer (2015)